Monday, February 22, 2010

Waste into less

Her fractious grin won his heart in 2 beats
he jumped on her bandwagon,
watched her throw
punches in the cafeteria,
her 1987 Porsche into gear

he dropped anonymous bombast
through vents in her locker sporadically
viewed their situation like a rom com:
eventually she would realize
he had been there all along

egregious behavior only drew him in
lip glossed cigarette butt bouncing
off his tennis shoe
as she passed him near the art building
flirtatious laugh aimed at the world
her slim build wasting into less
hazel eyes sinking deeper

showering after P.E. he heard
football players describe her in detail
underclassmen whispered
jealous remarks in the hall
her outbursts growing less frequent

by senior year he didn't see her every day
her sweaters perpetually looser,
fingers fragile, crooked with effort
futile curl of the lip to prove
she was still as strong

then one day she no longer sat throwing
pebbles onto the track after school,
texting her latest conquest,
leaving tire marks in the parking lot
she simply disappeared

she had been evaporating for years
and no one noticed but him


  1. This one is lovely! Your poetry is really amazing.

  2. oh, there's your comment! thanks so much, that's sweet! btw, your blog uplifts me almost every day. :)
